Active Waiting Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
As we cross into the third month of quarantine we mustn’t lose sight of what we have been working so hard to maintain, humanity. We hear the anthem ring everywhere we look, “Stay Home, Save Lives.” Though we are urged to be patient, it’s not in our human nature to be stagnant. We have a desire to contribute to our civilization in any way possible. Even when waiting in this isolation, we can be active as a society. Obliging to the needs of the community lends a reward for everyone, especially in a time when hope seems out of reach. 24/7 Shop at Home has seen a lack of assistance in the L.A. County region.
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center is met with limitations during the epidemic. In collaboration with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Pomona Valley Hospital is working to extend COVID-19 testing. Though widespread requests continue, Pomona Valley has met its capacity and is unable to conduct its drive-through testing. What’s more, the American College of Surgeons has recommended all hospitals postpone elective procedures. The delay of elective surgeries that pose no risk to patients helps in the protection of patients and staff alike. Preserving critical resources such as hospital beds and personal protective equipment is a safeguard against the effects of COVID-19.
With the LA County region posing a high risk due to its dense population, 24/7 Shop at Home feels it’s necessary to take action in uniting as a community to stop the spread. We have taken on a charitable venture to donate masks to Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center with every purchase on our site. The KN95 masks are manufactured in the U.S. by a California-based organization specializing in personal-care products. The high-quality five-layer masks offer adequate protection. Unlike cloth masks that may have an appealing allure, KN95 masks filter non-oil-based particles such as bioaerosols (e.g. viruses).
The custom-fit KN95 mask captured 95 percent of tiny particles, whereas cotton masks only capture 28 percent. A KN95 mask’s melted-blown non-woven electrostatic material protects against particles as small as 0.007 microns, which is 10 times smaller than virions, or coronavirus particles. The care taken in producing effective masks is important to us, as we don’t want our healthcare professionals to be placed at higher risk than they already are. If we can play our part in providing more personal protective equipment to medical workers then we can assist in expediting the process of returning to the pleasures of our world.
This process of waiting has been humbling and eyeopening. Let’s show our continued appreciation to the warriors on the front lines tending to the sick. Risking not only their lives but putting their families under the test of strength. They are sacrificing time with their loved ones and some are even deprived of affection as they distance themselves to protect children and elder family members. No longer will we take for granted the privileges of this world. It’s all too clear that the most valuable thing we have is one another.
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